Reason "Tree By Water" is Here: #1

I have been watching pastor's wives over the past 18 years.  

Some appear happy and selfless as they serve non-stop.  Others feel called to other things and bless their husbands in their work and are not involved in the church.  Some find a mostly peaceful balance and they find contentment.  Some suffer greatly from the hands of others and/or their husband.  Some are dutiful but the resentment seeps through. And others (myself included) have been in each of these places. 

It isn't only difficult to be in ministry, but it is difficult to be HEALTHY in ministry.  I have witnessed may struggle in their marriages, ministry life, and own health.   Being married to a pastor is not always a walk in the park.  

In the work of spiritually caring for others, it is easy for our own spiritual care to be put on the back burner. 

A few years ago, Bill Hybels spoke at the Willow Creek Summit about Holy Discontent.  This is what resonated in my heart as he spoke…

Women married to men in ministry need support and care.  

And the dream of ministering to Pastor’s Wives started simmering in my soul. And now the dream is being born…

What if every pastor's and ministry wife felt spiritually, emotionally, relationally, and physically encouraged and strengthened?  What if every Ministry Wife was encouraged to walk in her true self and calling? What if every Pastor's Wife felt a close connection to the One she is serving?

Imagine every Ministry Wife as a Tree by Water.


But blessed is the man who trusts me, God,

the woman who sticks with God.

They are like trees replanted in Eden,

putting down roots near the rivers—

Never a worry through the hottest of summers, 
never dropping a leaf,

Serene and calm through droughts,

bearing fresh fruit every season.
-Jeremiah 17:8-9 (MSG)

Much love to you,
