Reason Tree By Water Is: #4

We have been created for 








But we are tempted to hide behind walls of "safe" isolation. 




An older pastor’s wife once told me to be careful to not share too much of myself with my friends.  She told me it was dangerous and that it would leave me vulnerable to attack and hurt.  Remembering this conversation makes my heart hurt. 

But years later, I see that it is so very easy to build a protective wall from others.  We isolate ourselves out of self-preservation.  We help and love and serve but refuse that same care from others.  How prideful and arrogant our hearts can be!

On the other hand, the safety that is essential for sharing, confession, and friendship isn’t available in every church and situation.   

It is no small task to discern what we share about being tired in ministry, working on a struggling marriage, parenting an unruly child, or struggling with a sensitive health problem with those we minister with. 

The problem is that we keep moving the boundary of our friendship closer and closer until we are not our true selves with others.

If anything is good and holy is provided by Tree By Water, I want Tree By Water to be a SAFE place, a sanctuary for your soul, and shelter for your heart.